The educational program of the BBS doctorate involves the conduct of courses and seminars, attendance of which is compulsory.
Given the interdisciplinary nature of the BBS doctorate, the educational activities are cross-curricular in nature, providing useful knowledge and techniques regardless of the specific field of research. Compulsory courses are delivered in the first year of the doctoral program to enable doctoral students to build the methodological and theoretical foundations necessary to develop their research project.
Seminars, defined and delivered year by year, offer thematic insights.
Students will have the opportunity to customize their syllabus according to the teaching needs relevant to the development of their research path. For this reason, alongside the compulsory didactics it will be possible – subject to agreement with the tutor(s) and under approval of the Doctoral Councils – to choose a series of courses borrowed from the Department of Neuroscience, the University or Recognized Institutions (e.g. Coursera).
Required courses cover (but are not limited to) the following areas:
– Basic and advanced statistics (factor analysis, mediation and moderation, text mining).
– Basic programming and data analysis with Python.
– Research methodologies in Psychology and Behavioral Economics.
A Team Building Outdoor, for a research group, is a unique opportunity to develop soft skills such as creativity, team play and get to know each other outside of the lab.
You will have the chance to meet lab heads, researchers, post-docs and fellow PhD students, so you’ll be warmly invited to attend. Team Building are organized by Prof. Alessandro Rasetta, Phd, who works as a corporate consultant and has built an unquestioned experience over many long years as Happiness Officer Manager for HR empowerment.